Ear Nose and Throat Specialist

Expert ID: 155

State: Alabama

Bio Snapshot

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This physician reviews the vast majority of ENT (Otolaryngology) cases, including thyroid, parathyroid and medical and surgical diseases of the ear, nose and throat and head and neck area.  He also reviews skin lesion cases of the head and neck area.This physician reviews matters for both sexes and all ages of patients and includes elective and emergency matters.

Date of Birth:  August 1944

Harvard College, Cambridge, MA (1966 – B.A.)

Medical School:
Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons (1970 – M.D.)

American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 1978

AVAILABLE FOR: Record review, depositions and testimony for both Plaintiff and Defense cases.  Currently in private practice.

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