Find expert witnesses that are available for consultation and testimony concerning child safety. These child safety expert witnesses are qualified to provide advice on child safety topics, including child passenger safety, child seats, car seats, poisoning prevention, choking, sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS, child injuries, playground injuries, electric accidents, product safety, chemical safety, and medicine poisoning. A child safety expert witness may be asked to create reports and provide valuable opinions in the event of lawsuits relating to a range of child safety issues, such as child abuse, neglect, mistreatment, injuries, negligence, and accidents.
Winner – Lawyer Monthly Magazine 2021 Expert Witness Awards
In recognition of our specialized knowledge and experience within the area of Medical Referral Services USA
Ergonomics Expert Witness
Sports Expert Witness
Medical Advisors
790 Penllyn Pike #203,
Blue Bell, PA 19422
Toll Free: 1 (800) 666-7045
Fax: 215-653-7382